1 | 12,652 | 27,224 | wordnik | This gem provides a simple interface to the entire Wordnik API. Its methods are defined... |
2 | 22,702 | 40,936 | wordnik_ruby_helpers | A handful of monkey patches and view helpers that we use in our rails projects |
3 | 78,263 | 107,996 | microsoft_ngram | A simple wrapper for Bing's ngram API |
4 | 94,717 | 66,011 | segment_ruby | segments text according word frequency using the Viterbi algorithm. |
5 | 118,992 | 40,936 | streaming_stats | Calculates descriptive statistics from streams with minimal overhead |
6 | 135,589 | 107,996 | entropic | Train and predict string entropy based on character n-grams. |
7 | 165,235 | 107,996 | sentimenticon | Word level sentiment analyzer, currently English only |
8 | 182,683 | 107,996 | wordniknik | This gem provides a simple interface to the Wordnik API. |
9 | 182,770 | 66,011 | Wordniky | This gem provides a simple interface to the Wordnik API. |