1 | 18,571 | 15,257 | prooflink_connect | Make a connection to the prooflink connect api for single sign on authentication |
2 | 19,496 | 49,619 | casted_hash | A casted hash |
3 | 21,618 | 27,062 | concerned_with | Rails gem to separate model concerns into multiple files. |
4 | 27,952 | 49,619 | scash | A scoped hash |
5 | 29,018 | 41,117 | betty_resource | Map Betty5 application resources to Ruby objects through the JSON API |
6 | 32,568 | 108,739 | enum_column | This gem enables enum column support for ActiveRecord 2. |
7 | 60,222 | 66,440 | sign_host | signhost.com |
8 | 78,138 | 108,739 | debounce | Creates a debounced function that delays invoking func until after wait milliseconds ha... |
9 | 95,413 | 66,440 | wtch | Watch urls |
10 | 101,588 | 108,739 | line_ending | A little mixin to change the line endings of files. Supports Mac, Unix and Windows endi... |
11 | 113,036 | 108,739 | userstamps | Gem that extends ActiveRecord with stamping for created_by and updated_by fields |