Jamfour's Gems

#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
12,8062,006with_modelDynamically build a model within an RSpec context
214,0295,960windchargerSmall library to easily make objects that transform input via many methods.
316,53886,038pg_audit_logA completely transparent audit logging component for your application using a stored pr...
442,57210,676datafixDatafix provides a generator for documenting and testing database hotfixes
555,14853,556sinatra-sprockets-extSinatra plugin for Sprockets integration
658,30486,038const_lookupMakes resolving a constant in a given namespace easy.
774,03786,038doing_streamAccumulate streams from various sites
892,90286,038block_chainMakes it easy to chain nested blocks together without creating a ton of nesting.
999,09642,025include_anyAllows including any object
10101,18486,038vlad-assetsVlad tasks for the Rails asset pipline
11102,77642,025infinite_timeProvides a representation of a (positively or negatively) infinite time.
12103,11286,038vlad-versionVlad tasks for creating a version file & tag
13104,84286,038thread_variableMakes it easy to create and use thread-local variables.
14132,53886,038word-guesserA simple app to guess possible words given known letters
15138,85086,038version_bombMakes creating flexible version bombs dead simple.
16141,03586,038mgraphA modern graph data structure library.
17144,04886,038rack-request_cacheProvides a caching layer that exists only within a single Rack request.