Gawaine's Gems

#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
18,0679,922akamai_apiRuby toolkit to work with Akamai Content Control Utility API
228,91741,916cap-git-deployMikamai-style capistrano git deployment strategy
334,23325,458efficient_translationsTranslation library for ActiveRecord models in Rails 2
434,56563,432gitme_timeUtility to simplify your time-logging on Basecamp
582,26041,916simple_etlAn easy-to-use toolkit to help you with ETL (Extract Transform Load) operations. Simple...
699,78141,916will_sortateWillSortate is a sorting engine for Rails 3, useful to give your views the power to sor...
7155,10641,916bracket_graphAmazing, more or less, brackets in JSON.