1 | 4,079 | 3,053 | sequenced | Sequenced is a gem that generates scoped sequential IDs for ActiveRecord models. |
2 | 5,165 | 3,825 | mini_cache | A lightweight, in-memory cache for Ruby objects |
3 | 6,185 | 6,032 | drip-ruby | A simple wrapper for the Drip API |
4 | 27,302 | 86,038 | condensation | A collection of handy extensions to the Liquid templating language |
5 | 27,792 | 28,793 | omniauth-drip | Provides an OmniAuth strategy for Drip to make authentication with the Drip API simple |
6 | 45,458 | 86,038 | bypass | Mutate URLs and hyperlinks in HTML and plain text documents |
7 | 46,141 | 18,833 | linkety | A collection of handy link helpers for Rails views |
8 | 46,504 | 53,556 | quack | A simple type coercion library |
9 | 92,231 | 53,556 | seekable_hash | A simple gem for looking up values in deeply-nested hashes |
10 | 137,279 | 42,025 | mass_assignable | Add Rails-like mass assignment to any Ruby object |