Kyledecot's Gems

#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
11,704803app_store_connectA Ruby interface to the App Store Connect API
224,05420,156vindettaRuby gem for generating VINs
336,61531,554aamvaWrite a longer description or delete this line.
442,52961,114yahoo-placemakerEasily interact w/ the Yahoo Placemaker API
550,20061,114kmdataA simple API wrapper for interacting with the KMData Project
657,13661,114app_store_connect_jwtGenerate App Store Connect JWT
782,16061,114eufycamRuby interface for Eufycam
882,47961,114txtspkshortens to using text speak
987,37861,114opicRubygem for interacting w/ the Opic API
1088,08961,114foundation-rails-helpersThis gem is designed to provide an easy to use objected based approach to creating Zurb...
11117,17061,114hard_ciderWait for your IPAs to be Processed
12137,60361,114giftwrapRubygem for creating thin wrappers around RESTful JSON APIs
13139,31561,114vineyardRubygem for interacting w/ Vine's API
14165,54761,114yardmasterApp Store Connect Manager
15166,94243,216sizzleTool for interacting w/ App Store Connect & Google Play Store
16168,87761,114euchreWrite a longer description or delete this line.