Robie1373's Gems

#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
154,61830,732warcardsAn addictive game of War! to help slog through flash-card memorization
257,08057,505bvwackSuper simple utility to help you convert all your videos to iPad ready files.
3101,67657,505querinatormanages and presents flash card data
4103,84257,505cwflashFlash card will play a game with you. It plays cw and you type the character(s). Flash ...
5128,45057,505define-wnLook up words using Wordnet
6134,33757,505brasspounderFeed brasspounder (ham radio slang for CW operator) some text and it will send the text...
7142,00657,505gentoneplay dits and dahs for CW aka morse code. Feed it a string and it plays sounds. os x only.