1 | 54,618 | 30,732 | warcards | An addictive game of War! to help slog through flash-card memorization |
2 | 57,080 | 57,505 | bvwack | Super simple utility to help you convert all your videos to iPad ready files. |
3 | 101,676 | 57,505 | querinator | manages and presents flash card data |
4 | 103,842 | 57,505 | cwflash | Flash card will play a game with you. It plays cw and you type the character(s). Flash ... |
5 | 128,450 | 57,505 | define-wn | Look up words using Wordnet |
6 | 134,337 | 57,505 | brasspounder | Feed brasspounder (ham radio slang for CW operator) some text and it will send the text... |
7 | 142,006 | 57,505 | gentone | play dits and dahs for CW aka morse code. Feed it a string and it plays sounds. os x only. |