Ecbypi's Gems

#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
127,58620,885paraphraseMap query params to model scopes, pairing one or more keys to a...
229,21322,877hansoloTool to automate deployment using chef-solo and berkshelf
331,57025,345guiseFlexible roles system for any context
440,97433,016mit-ldapRuby interface for querying MIT LDAP server (only if you're on MITnet)
578,34066,732ldap-filterDSL for dynamically building complex LDAP filters without concern for closing parentheses
694,06843,933wargRunning one-off commands, templated scripts, or managing output from multiple servers
7125,879101,206piecemealDont install this, its a placeholder
8158,999101,206autoprefixerAutoprefixer in ruby
9181,12780,608bopeepRunning one-off commands, templated scripts, or managing output from multiple servers