1 | 9,843 | 54,457 | pebblebed | Development tools for working with Pebblebed |
2 | 18,906 | 34,667 | pebbles-river | Implements an event river mechanism for Pebblebed. |
3 | 22,484 | 54,457 | pebbles-uid | Handle pebble UIDs conveniently. |
4 | 105,707 | 54,457 | omniauth-origo | Official OmniAuth OAuth 2 strategy for Origo. |
5 | 133,468 | 54,457 | papertime_client | Papertime is a server giving details about Norwegian newspapers. This is a client for c... |
6 | 140,582 | 54,457 | tellstickr | FFI wrapper for the telldus-core C library, and classes for easy communication with var... |