1 | 13,732 | 33,893 | starting_blocks | Faster minitest TDD. |
2 | 16,210 | 41,086 | ci_in_a_can | Fast CI. Still a WIP. |
3 | 19,995 | 8,764 | mushy | This tool assists in the creation and processing of workflows. |
4 | 25,004 | 41,086 | kilt-cms | Microsite Platform for Rails 4 |
5 | 29,159 | 15,060 | panic_board_data | Export data for Panic Status Board |
6 | 38,947 | 61,367 | xml_hate | xml handling without the xml. |
7 | 38,999 | 61,367 | subtle | A few small updates to make even more concise Ruby. |
8 | 41,312 | 61,367 | contrast | Contrast two objects by a defined set of values |
9 | 52,468 | 61,367 | interchangeable | Extract interchangeable components in your application. Identify them, describe them, a... |
10 | 52,470 | 41,086 | starting_blocks-blinky | Turn colors when tests are run. |
11 | 53,419 | 61,367 | smoke_monster | Unexplained, dark magic. |
12 | 61,077 | 41,086 | starting_blocks-stopplicht | stopplicht support for starting_blocks |
13 | 64,882 | 61,367 | rubycards | RubyCards |
14 | 65,313 | 61,367 | three | Even simpler authorization gem |
15 | 66,080 | 61,367 | seam-mongodb | MongoDB support for seam |
16 | 66,165 | 61,367 | seam-sidekiq | Sidekiq support for seam |
17 | 66,283 | 61,367 | seam-active_record | Active Record support for seam |
18 | 67,184 | 61,367 | ekg | Monitor the heartbeat of your app |
19 | 86,708 | 61,367 | horse | Automate your horse tweets. |
20 | 88,456 | 61,367 | starting_blocks-growl | growl support for starting_blocks |
21 | 90,727 | 41,086 | DUI | This gem provides a small API for comparing two datasets,
for det... |
22 | 93,942 | 61,367 | starting_blocks-elixir | Run your elixir tests automatically. |
23 | 94,863 | 61,367 | source_code | Add a source_location to method, allowing you to see the source code. |
24 | 99,910 | 61,367 | venn | Simple venn diagrams |
25 | 111,620 | 61,367 | gersion | Look up the version of your Ruby app and any related gems. |
26 | 149,879 | 33,893 | odo | Turns a static site into a web application. |
27 | 153,911 | 61,367 | lemonade_stand | This is a ruby implementation of the old Lemonade Stand game. |