1 | 5,015 | 2,270 | lita-whois | WHOIS handler for lita chat bot |
2 | 7,970 | 15,549 | carrierwave-magic | ruby-filemagic and mime-types for carrierwave |
3 | 8,479 | 41,086 | rocket_cms | RocketCMS |
4 | 9,034 | 41,086 | rocket_cms_activerecord | RocketCMS - ActiveRecord metapackage |
5 | 9,085 | 29,456 | rocket_cms_mongoid | RocketCMS - Mongoid metapackage |
6 | 10,907 | 10,261 | mongoid-audit | Mongoid Audit |
7 | 11,600 | 61,367 | rails_admin_settings | Mongoid / ActiveRecord + RailsAdmin App Settings management |
8 | 12,301 | 33,893 | rails_admin_toggleable | Toggleable field for rails admin |
9 | 12,863 | 19,101 | glebtv_mongoid_userstamp | Userstamp for creator and updater columns using Mongoid |
10 | 13,138 | 61,367 | glebtv-ckeditor | CKEditor is a WYSIWYG editor to be used inside web pages |
11 | 13,241 | 12,281 | rs_voteable_mongo | Add up / down voting ability to Mongoid documents. Optimized for speed by using only ON... |
12 | 13,762 | 61,367 | rocket_cms_activerecord_light | RocketCMS - ActiveRecord light metapackage |
13 | 13,898 | 41,086 | rocket_cms_mongoid_light | RocketCMS - Mongoid light metapackage |
14 | 14,990 | 41,086 | rails_admin_state | Manage model's state with state_machine and rails_admin |
15 | 15,940 | 61,367 | rails_admin_nested_set | Rails admin nested set |
16 | 15,977 | 61,367 | active_model_serializers_cancancan | CanCanCan integration with Active Model Serializers |
17 | 16,496 | 10,377 | mongoid_money_field | Use RubyMoney with mongoid |
18 | 16,606 | 61,367 | dynatree-rails | Dynatree integration for rails asset pipeline |
19 | 17,860 | 20,275 | rs_russian | Russian language support for Ruby and Rails |
20 | 18,247 | 11,504 | mongoid-elasticsearch | Simple and easy integration of mongoid with the new elasticsearch gem |
21 | 19,741 | 61,367 | glebtv-httpclient | Fork of httpclient with some fixes and patches I needed. |
22 | 19,811 | 41,086 | russian_phone | Russian Phone Numbers for Mongoid |
23 | 21,024 | 61,367 | glebtv-simple_captcha | . |
24 | 21,953 | 61,367 | cloner | Easily clone your production Mongoid database and files for local development |
25 | 22,260 | 61,367 | activeadmin-mongoid-localize | Easily edit mongoid localized fields in ActiveAdmin (all locales on one page) |
26 | 23,545 | 61,367 | glebtv-rails-uploader | Rails HTML5 FileUpload helpers |
27 | 25,729 | 13,858 | mongoid_time_field | Time field (stored as integer with no date) for Mongoid |
28 | 26,228 | 61,367 | glebtv-mongoid_nested_set | Fully featured tree implementation for Mongoid using the nested set model |
29 | 33,450 | 61,367 | glebtv-mongoid-paperclip | Mongoid::Paperclip enables you to use Paperclip with the Mongoid ODM for MongoDB. |
30 | 33,554 | 61,367 | coffeebox | An opinionated rewrite of Facebox in coffescript bundled as a rails gem |
31 | 39,387 | 41,086 | x-real-ip | Replace REMOTE_IP with X-Real-Ip if it's trusted (useful for Nginx) |
32 | 41,382 | 29,456 | glebtv-carrierwave-mongoid | This fork makes GridFS optional |
33 | 42,642 | 61,367 | compass-rails-source-maps | A small monkeypatch to enable sourcemaps with compass-rails |
34 | 46,194 | 61,367 | rocket_navigation | Currently alpha qualiy, use at your own risk. |
35 | 49,209 | 61,367 | workhours | Gem to calculate business hours |
36 | 49,614 | 20,275 | mongoid_rating | Star rating for Mongoid |
37 | 55,398 | 21,627 | mongoid_snappy | Mongoid Snappy |
38 | 56,220 | 61,367 | rs-webpack-rails | Simple webpack and rails intergration. |
39 | 58,377 | 61,367 | lita-reminder | Reminder for Lita chat bot |
40 | 63,468 | 61,367 | rails_admin_hstore_translate | Adds tabbed interface and custom field type for hstore_translate translations to rails_... |
41 | 65,072 | 41,086 | glebtv-robokassa | Fork of Robokassa gem with only basic payment support |
42 | 65,724 | 61,367 | smart_excerpt | Allows to create intellegent excerpt fields. |
43 | 66,478 | 33,893 | glebtv-capistrano-unicorn | Capistrano 3.x plugin that integrates Unicorn server tasks. |
44 | 66,557 | 61,367 | wkhtmltox | Binary wkhtmltopdf and wkhtmltoimage |
45 | 71,800 | 29,456 | activeadmin-localize | Easily edit localized fields in ActiveAdmin (all locales on one page) |
46 | 72,582 | 61,367 | capistrano-rocketdeploy | Deploy notifier for RocketDeploy server |
47 | 76,636 | 25,716 | manual_slug | Allows to set slug manually for friendly_id and mongoid-slug |
48 | 77,165 | 61,367 | glebtv-screencap | a gem to grab screenshots of webpages, or just parts of webpages |
49 | 77,270 | 41,086 | capistrano-rtrack | RocketTracker integration for Capistrano |
50 | 92,921 | 61,367 | rocket_tracker | http://rtrack.ru |
51 | 95,625 | 61,367 | lita-todo | TO DO list management for Lita chat bot |
52 | 95,699 | 61,367 | rs_ipgeobase_mongoid | IPGeoBase.ru for mongoid 6+ |
53 | 98,516 | 41,086 | rails_admin_translate | Adds tabbed interface and custom field type for globalize/json_translate translations t... |
54 | 101,873 | 61,367 | glebtv-mongoid-rspec | RSpec matches for Mongoid models, including association and validation matchers |
55 | 102,456 | 61,367 | ipgeobase_mongoid | IPGeoBase.ru for mongoid 3/4 |
56 | 110,533 | 61,367 | glebtv-paperclip-meta | Add width, height and size methods to paperclip images |
57 | 113,335 | 61,367 | rs-active_admin-sortable_tree | SortableTree provides sorting of lists and hierarchies from ActiveAdmin index views. |
58 | 113,937 | 61,367 | glebtv_state_machine | Adds support for creating state machines for attributes on any Ruby class |
59 | 129,907 | 61,367 | rs-active_admin-state_machine | Provides easy DSL integration between ActiveAdmin & state_machine |
60 | 130,139 | 61,367 | glebtv-compass-rails | Integrate Compass into Rails 3.0 and up. |
61 | 132,611 | 41,086 | lzf | LZF compression with liblzf for ruby |
62 | 141,625 | 41,086 | mongoid-ip | Storing IP in MongoDB done right - as integers |
63 | 142,876 | 61,367 | glebtv_mongoid_taggable_with_context | Add multiple tag fields on Mongoid documents with aggregation capability. |
64 | 143,118 | 61,367 | i18n-tasks-mongoid | i18n-tasks extractor (scanner) for Mongoid models. Work in progress |
65 | 144,091 | 61,367 | glebtv_resque_web | A Rails-based frontend to the Resque job queue system. |
66 | 148,906 | 61,367 | glebtv-phantomjs | Auto-install phantomjs on demand for current platform. Comes with poltergeist integration. |
67 | 153,887 | 61,367 | glebtv_ipgeobase | upload archive from IPGeoBase.ru to your project |
68 | 157,110 | 61,367 | jsonb_translate | Rails I18n library for ActiveRecord model/data translation using PostgreSQL's jsonb dat... |
69 | 157,537 | 61,367 | rails_admin_uploader | Mass file uploads via jQuery-File-Upload for Rails Admin |