1 | 7,347 | 7,468 | monkey-patch | A simple library with common monkey patches for the standard Ruby classes. |
2 | 8,889 | 35,677 | btce | A simple library to interface with the API for btc-e.com in Ruby. |
3 | 13,951 | 24,889 | teepee | Teepee is a markup language, loosely based on Lisp and TeX, for ThinkingBicycle.com. |
4 | 25,271 | 22,467 | tbmx | TBMX is a markup language, loosely based on Lisp and TeX, for ThinkingBicycle.com. |
5 | 33,676 | 59,086 | make-rubygem-debs | A simple script to generate .debs for all of the gems in a Bundler-enabled RoR app, usi... |
6 | 44,218 | 59,086 | cons | Lisp-style cons cells for Ruby.
You can make lists ... or many other things. |
7 | 126,254 | 59,086 | bitcoin-rails | A library for Bitcoin stuff in Ruby on Rails. |
8 | 130,228 | 59,086 | libconfig | A Ruby library for reading/writing C libconfig config files (http://www.hyperrealm.com/... |
9 | 139,271 | 59,086 | cgore-bitstamp | Ruby API for use with bitstamp. |