Instructure's Gems

#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
13,0413,396ims-ltiRuby library for creating IMS LTI tool providers and consumers
24,1776,307gergichGergich is a little command-line tool for wiring up linters to Gerrit so you can get ni...
44,9346,198after_transaction_commitActiveRecord::Base.connection.after_transaction_commit { ... }
54,9786,372aroiActiveRecord Object Instrumenter: Instrument the creation of ActiveRecord objects
64,9856,614inst-jobsInstructure-maintained fork of delayed_job
75,0905,752saml2The saml2 library is yet another SAML library for Ruby, with an emphasis on _not_ re-im...
85,1356,794once-leronce-ler supercharges your let's and before's with the performance of before(:all)
95,3818,587moodle2ccMigrates Moodle backup ZIP to IMS Common Cartridge package
105,70015,324shacklesAllows multiple environments in database.yml, and dynamically switching them.
115,7347,738i18nlinerNo .yml files. Inline defaults. Optional keys. Inferred interpolation values. Wrappers ...
125,7806,485nokogiri-xmlsec-instructureAdds support to Ruby for encrypting, decrypting, signing and validating the signatu...
135,8528,587encrypted_cookie_store-instructureA secure version of Rails' built in CookieStore
145,9587,869jira_ref_parserParse Jira ticket refs from git commit messages
156,0078,535canvas_connectCanvas Connect is an Adobe Connect plugin for the Instructure Canvas LMS. It allows tea...
166,1658,629canvas_webexCanvas WebEx is an Cisco Webex plugin for the Instructure Canvas LMS. It allows teacher...
176,2148,414soap4r-middlewareSometimes, you just gotta SOAP.
186,2816,351inst_statsdStatsd for Instructure
196,2888,609folio-paginationA pagination library.
206,3196,924switchman-inst-jobsSwitchman and Instructure Jobs compatibility gem.
216,3698,609crocodoc-rubyRuby library for interacting with v2 of the Crocodoc API.
226,48214,730ratom-nokogiriA fast Atom Syndication and Publication API based on libxml
236,5018,535instructure-happymapperObject to XML Mapping Library, using Nokogiri (fork from John Nunemaker's Happymapper)
246,6117,971academic_benchmarksA ruby api for accessing the Academic Benchmarks API. A valid subscription with accomp...
256,72212,145ruby-saml-modThis is an early fork from - I plan to "rebase" t...
266,9658,839dress_codeDress Code extracts comment blocks from your stylesheets and creates a styleguide using...
277,0548,481inst-jobs-autoscalingAWS ASG autoscaling for inst-jobs
287,15037,391canvas_statsdStatsd for Canvas
297,16024,743imperiumA powerful, easy to use, Consul client
307,2316,662inst-jobs-statsdStats reporting for inst-jobs
328,3917,792paul_bunyanExtensions and enhancements to Ruby's built in Logger class. Extensions include: multip...
339,45613,018fukuzatsuCalculates code complexity as a measure of paths through code execution. CI integration...
349,83810,808analystA nice API for interacting with parsed Ruby source code.
3510,04611,073footrestRuby interface for restful APIs
3610,9356,707guardrailAllows multiple environments in database.yml, and dynamically switching them.
3711,1579,842qtiQTI 1.2 and 2.1 import and export models
3811,43812,761ezdynLibrary and CLI tool for easy Dynect DNS updates
3912,0638,481quiz_api_clientRuby client for quiz_api
4012,4568,839flakey_spec_catcherRun new or changed specs many times to prevent unreliable specs
4112,67333,159oauth-instructureOAuth Core Ruby implementation
4212,99342,561canvas-jobsInstructure-maintained fork of delayed_job
4313,80252,448i18nemadrop-in replacement for I18n::Backend::Simple for faster lookups and quicker gc runs. t...
4414,0896,632activerecord-pg-extensionsSeveral extensions to ActiveRecord's PostgreSQLAdapter.
4515,27926,441pandarusRuby wrapper for Canvas API
4617,6427,906inst_accessGeneration, parsing, and validation of Instructure access tokens
4718,6758,933stormbreakerAdd axe assertions to expect statements by default in Ruby Selenium
4818,73852,448safe_yaml-instructureParse YAML safely, without that pesky arbitrary object deserialization vulnerability
4919,32812,332dynamo-recordExtensions to Aws::Record for working with DynamoDB.
5021,00642,561openagentOpenAgent - SIF ADK (SIF Agent Development Kit)
5121,5768,435sentry-inst_jobsAn inst-jobs integration for the Sentry error logger
5222,46816,067societySocial graph for Ruby objects. Based on an original idea by Kerri Miller.
5323,38113,746active_public_resourcesNormalized searching and browsing of public resources
5423,43312,761api_client_builderAPI Client Builder provides an easy to use interface for creating HTTP api clients
5524,47873,973aws-keychain-utilHelps manage a keychain of AWS credentials on OS X.
5624,68573,973lti_skydriveMicrosoft SkydrivePro integration
5726,52873,973fake_rails3_routesWrite Rails 3 style routes in Rails 2 apps
5827,00073,973statsd_test_harnessCaptures output of various testing frameworks to post to statsd.
5929,8248,006canvas_link_migratorInstructure gem for migrating Canvas style rich content
6030,38213,491mathml2latexTranslate MathML to LaTeX
6130,70028,092canvas_oauth_engineCanvasOauth is a mountable engine for handling the oauth workflow with canvas and makin...
6231,43952,448lti_public_resourcesPublic Resources LTI app
6332,07273,973instructure_registrarClient for registering an Instructure service via etcd.
6433,96418,471mkchainCreates an intermediate chain file from the given SSL certificate
6537,01230,575lti_provider_engineLtiProvider is a mountable engine for handling the LTI launch and exposing LTI paramete...
6638,50623,643aws-asg-fleetAWS Auto Scaling Fleets
6740,11573,973aws-s3-instructureClient library for Amazon's Simple Storage Service's REST API, forked by Instructure pe...
6842,57773,973instructure-marginaliaAttach comments to your ActiveRecord queries.
6943,64052,448instructure-active_model-better_errorsAPI consumable error messages with ActiveModel::Errors drop-in compatibility.
7045,83173,973pulsar-clientWraps the Apache Pulsar C++ Client with Ruby bindings.
7146,34573,973folio-pagination-legacyA pagination library.
7249,53673,973i18nema19drop-in replacement for I18n::Backend::Simple for faster lookups and quicker gc runs. t...
7356,33473,973bespokeBespoke does in-memory object joins using mustache templates
7458,39873,973vectorAWS Auto-Scaling Assistant
7564,35118,059inst_aws_regionsRegion to airport code mappings for instructure projects
7669,80873,973lti_twitter_engineEmbed a Twitter widget into your LMS with this LTI App.
7770,55373,973gameworksA ruby game framework used for final problems in instructure mebipenny competitions.
7870,69442, LTI Application as a mountable Rails engine
7995,57173,973lti-ruby-boxruby gem for 2.0 api
8096,4299,074inst_llmFoundation-model agnostic LLM client for AWS Bedrock
81104,69073,973lti_template_builderRails mountable engine templates for LTI development
82122,22710,537quiz_broker_clientServes as the client for reading and writing to brokered data in Canvas New Quizzes
83132,15873,973best_in_place_rails_4BestInPlace is a jQuery script and a Rails 3 helper that provide the method best_in_pla...
84135,44173,973jammit-instructureJammit is an industrial strength asset packaging library for Rails, providing both ...
85137,66873,973dashed_mapAccepts an array of words and returns an array of words, some of them combined by a dash.
86141,53173,973very_best_in_placeBestInPlace is a jQuery script and a Rails 3 helper that provide the method best_in_pla...
87146,40173,973old_schoolProvides an interface to work with a Powerful SIS REST API
88174,29573,973faraday-oauthUses the simple_oauth library to sign requests according the OAuth protocol.