Fugufish's Gems

#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
115,60225,716moleculerThis is a Ruby implementation of the Moleculer framework.
222,77361,367servedServed provides an easy to use model layer for communicating with disributed Rails base...
355,57341,086arkeArke is a service oriented api client, providing similar functionality to that of Activ...
464,75461,367kineticA powerful yet simple AMQP worker framework
573,09561,367geriRails based CMS
6102,16961,367core_sourceFork of ruby_core_source modified to support CFLAGS and permit use of whichever build s...
7113,40261,367hotwired_componentHotwire + ViewComponent
8142,07361,367watwat provides Rails based API services with error handling abilities
9146,86961,367rabbit-hatHat is a light weight distributed worker framework backed by RabbitMQ built on top of B...