Yzhang's Gems

#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
117,20318,588rails-simple-searchrails-simple-search is a light and easy to use gem. It could help developers quickly bu...
252,540117,678light-daemonA very simple and light ruby daemon API
398,19330,896dbchain_clientThis is the ruby client of DBChain. DBChain is a blockchain based relational database. ...
4175,05897,080tonglian-ruby-sdktonglian-ruby-sdk is a light and easy to use gem. It could help developers quickly make...
5175,686117,678ruby_auth_metamaskThis is a Ruby on Rails Engine. It authenticates users against their metamask signature.
6177,74758,846fadada-ruby-sdkfadada-ruby-sdk is a light and easy to use gem. It could help developers quickly make u...
7180,563117,678huaweicloud-smshuaweicloud-sms is a light and easy to use gem. It could help developers quickly utiliz...