Mscharley's Gems

#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
115,29830,305usmuUsmu is a static site generator built in Ruby that leverages the Tilt API to support ma...
217,87963,432jekyll-compassA Jekyll plugin enabling the Compass framework. Jekyll website. Compass is an exten...
319,20541,916acquia-cloudBindings to the Acquia Cloud API.
451,64663,432logstash-input-acquiaThis gem is a logstash plugin required to be installed on top of the Logstash core pipe...
581,36863,432usmu-s3S3 publishing plugin for Usmu.
682,54463,432blockcacheCache that knows how to update it's own contents.
7100,59719,893ruby-skyperuby-skype is a binding to the Skype Public API. The Public API is a method to talk...
8105,82663,432usmu-github-pagesGithub Pages publishing plugin for Usmu.
9125,11625,458dsassProvides the dsass command to run sass --watch on all themes in a Drupal installation w...
10157,04163,432usmu-sitemapXML sitemap generator plugin for Usmu.