Phrase's Gems

#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
14,2675,958phraseapp-rubyPhraseApp API client libary
25,6755,009phraseapp-in-context-editor-rubyPhrase In-Context-Editor allows you to edit translations directly on the website. More ...
35,7636,857phrasePhrase Strings is a translation management platform for software projects.
49,2489,606slimkeyfyReplace plain text strings in your slim templates and Rails controllers with calls to I...
549,037129,735motion-phraseRubyMotion library for PhraseApp
6155,84451,488phraseapp-rubymotionRubyMotion library for PhraseApp
7173,72451,488phrase-ota-i18nPhrase OTA for Rails i18n