1 | 18,343 | 29,512 | AddressBookImporter | The author was too lazy to write a description |
2 | 20,083 | 29,512 | AdoccaMemcache | Based on memcache-client by robotco... |
3 | 21,158 | 29,512 | CachedSupermodel | Based on cached_model by robotcoop&... |
4 | 22,625 | 51,220 | muby | A simple but powerful mud client. |
5 | 23,808 | 29,512 | ActsAsFastNestedSet | The author was too lazy to write a description |
6 | 24,201 | 51,220 | merbiful-release | Merb plugin that provides a simple CMS |
7 | 25,060 | 51,220 | archipelago | A set of tools for distributed computing in ruby. |
8 | 34,419 | 23,838 | babel | Ryan Davis is too lazy to write a description |
9 | 37,095 | 29,512 | acts_as_cached | Caching helpers for Rails |
10 | 38,953 | 29,512 | hyperactive | A base class for persistent objects that uses archipelago for persistence. Useful for R... |
11 | 39,198 | 20,837 | herdis | A Redis herder for simplifying Redis presharding |
12 | 42,175 | 51,220 | ruburple | An ruby extension to libpurple. |
13 | 42,464 | 51,220 | geo | A 2D geometry engine. |
14 | 43,099 | 13,443 | thomas | Bayes classifier using memcached |
15 | 54,443 | 29,512 | ActsAsEscaped | == FEATURES/PROBLEMS: Hash access to attributes bypasses acts_as_cached == SYNOPSYS: ... |
16 | 57,698 | 51,220 | gyruby | A ruby binding for the Gyration FiireChief remote control for LinuxMCE. |
17 | 58,975 | 23,838 | archipelago_rbtree | A patched version of the rbtree code that accepts each and reverse_each with offsets. |
18 | 73,044 | 29,512 | oneliner | An online code implementation for ruby. |
19 | 76,306 | 29,512 | henchman | A maximally simple amqp wrapper |
20 | 93,981 | 29,512 | ServeWebdav | Webdav protocol abstraction for rails controllers |
21 | 107,778 | 51,220 | blodsband | An event-machine based riak client with some extra relationship support. |
22 | 112,952 | 29,512 | caffeine | A Ruby binding for libmemcache + extra functionality (namespaces) |
23 | 121,053 | 51,220 | grueserve | A 2D tactical combat multiplayer game. |