Ikuseigmbh's Gems

#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
131,65863,432csv_country_selectorCountry list based on a csv file with long an short names for Dropdowns and selections
242,24763,432goldencobraThis is the basic module of Golden Cobra. It offers Devise, ActiveAdmin, an article mod...
352,27763,432uniq_loggerAdds entries to a logfile, only if they don't already exist. The logfile can be on a re...
471,53863,432pixelletterA simple gem to use the pixelletter.de API as there exists only an aweful PHP class yet.
5104,54430,305remove_accentsYou can use this extension to the String class to convert "àéêîôûù" to "aeeiouu".
6112,45163,432cronjob_servicePush a Notification to dashboard app at https://dashboard.smart-village.app/cronjobs