1 | 9,479 | 10,935 | bookyt_salary | This plugin extends bookyt with Salary functionality. |
2 | 10,140 | 11,544 | bookyt_projects | This plugin extends bookyt with project management functionality. |
3 | 10,174 | 39,221 | i18n_rails_helpers | Rails i18n view helpers for things like crud actions, models and attributes. |
4 | 12,461 | 77,834 | has_vcards | vCard like contact and address models and helpers for Rails. |
5 | 13,362 | 12,834 | vesr | VESR provides support for ESR number calculations and gives ready to use Rails components. |
6 | 23,797 | 21,222 | bookyt_stock | This plugin extends bookyt with asset/stock functionality. |
7 | 43,027 | 31,484 | bookyt_pos | This plugin extends bookyt with Point of Sale functionality. |