Tnarik's Gems

#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
149,62663,432piedesaintDrop-in web server to serve files and tar'ed directories. Use it as a tool to make avai...
251,34363,432vagrant-solaris10Guest plugin for Vagrant Solaris10
366,10463,432chosen-koenpunt-railsIntegrate Koenpunt branch of the Chosen javascript library with the Rails asset pipeline
488,84263,432bezebe-cvsa set of tools for the bussy bee - CVS
591,37463,432theconSimple connection checker to find out if a server is available at a certain port
6109,84563,432hostsfilecode from the hostsfile cookbook to allow reusability
7111,58130,305proper_propertiesLibrary for loading and writing of Java properties files that matches java.util.Propert...
8127,66863,432jekyll-polyglotterFast open source i18n plugin for Jekyll blogs.