Davispuh's Gems

#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
1305262ffi-compilerRuby FFI library
28,3529,366TimezoneParserLibrary for parsing Timezone names and abbrevations to corresponding UTC offsets and mu...
310,93320,922libmspackA library for compressing and decompressing some loosely related Microsoft compression ...
411,29920,516ffi-compiler2Ruby FFI library
547,01932,988cli-consoleBasic library for making interactive command-line applications much easier
663,03397,080WinCommonLibrary for commonly used Windows constants, data types, typedefs, structures and funct...
775,73958,846steam_codecLoad, parse and manage various Steam client, Source Engine file formats. For example VD...
878,13758,846LiveIdentityLibrary utilizing IDCRL for Microsoft Windows Live ID authentication.
986,77168,530LP-ExporterApplication to export langauge data from Microsoft language pack lp.cab files
1089,95468,530svn-downloaderSimple way to automatically download files from SVN repositories from remote locations
1192,66458,846XLiveServicesA library to consume Xbox LIVE and Games for Windows LIVE services.
12102,62858,846DNSUpdaterUsing this application you can configure local or remote (over SSH or HTTP) DNS such as...
13104,23977,965net-ntp-nextNTP client library with improved functionality.
14104,81797,080vacuum-parserParser for Vacuum
15135,12868,530artoo-wandboardArtoo adaptor and driver for Wandboard
16178,47239,646ConfigLMMConfigLMM is Configuration Management Manager that can build and deploy your configurat...
17184,28297,080fog-proxmox-configlmmThis library can be used as a module for `fog`.