Koic_ito's Gems

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#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
15131parserA Ruby parser written in pure Ruby.
26251rubocopRuboCop is a Ruby code style checking and code formatting tool. It aims to enforce the ...
311258rubocop-astRuboCop's Node and NodePattern classes.
4197114rubocop-performanceA collection of RuboCop cops to check for performance optimizations in Ruby code.
5202131rubocop-railsAutomatic Rails code style checking tool. A RuboCop extension focused on enforcing Rail...
61,450900rubocop-minitestAutomatic Minitest code style checking tool. A RuboCop extension focused on enforcing M...
71,5141,015rubocop-rakeA RuboCop plugin for Rake
81,6721,531rubocop-thread_safetyThread-safety checks via static analysis. A plugin for the RuboCop code style enfor...
91,6811,779guard-rubocopGuard::RuboCop automatically checks Ruby code style with RuboCop when files are modified.
101,9292,142rubocop-fakerA RuboCop extension for Faker.
113,7474,591activerecord-oracle_enhanced-adapterOracle "enhanced" ActiveRecord adapter contains useful additional methods for working w...
124,0545,209test-queueminitest/rspec parallel test runner for CI environments
135,2462,476rubocop-rubycwIntegrate RuboCop and ruby -cw
1411,04310,241gtm_railsSimply embed Google Tag Manager container snippet into Rails application
1515,08213,427adhoqRails engine to generate instant reports from adhoc SQL query.
1616,21061,554backport_digbackport_dig is the backport of Hash#dig, Array#dig and OpenStruct#dig in Ruby 2.3 to o...
1727,64261,554active_pstoreThis library has Active Record like interface. Use pstore to store data.
1833,74761,554deathkill command wrapper. say "DEATH" with death voice. Operating environment is Mac OS X o...
1936,61943,325backport_yield_selfbackport_yield_self is the backport of Kernel#yield_self in Ruby 2.5 to older Ruby vers...
2050,27943,325activerecord-oracle_enhanced-adapter-monky_patch_755A monkey patch for oracle-enhanced ISSUE #755.
2157,01761,554dry_require_spec_helperDRY (Don't Repeat Yourself) of require 'spec_helper'.
2258,30143,325deka_eiwakuncoding convention in esm
2363,30143,325azumaDecide the order of Lightning Talkers.
2465,70761,554rubocop-extension-generatorA generator of RuboCop's custom cops gem
2583,01561,554jis_x_0401Library for JISX401
2688,76861,554acappellaA client-server model talk tool. Server speak characters that client was typing.
2793,28643,325ruby_ast_visualizerRuby AST Visualizer.
2896,38718,051everlastingActionController::Parameters does not inherit Hash since Rails 5.0. This Gem will never...
29107,84261,554ghq_transferTransfer local repositories from flatten directory style to ghq convention style.
30111,24543,325screamersGenerate a migration file that converts column types all at once.
31126,60761,554rubocop-oracleA RuboCop extension for Active Record Oracle enhanced adapter.
32128,78861,554blur_imageblur image.
33133,12661,554vanish`vanish` removes the useless white space in the text file.
34156,37143,325map_chain%i(foo bar).map_chain('to_s.to_sym') #=> %i(foo bar).map(&:to_s).map(&:to_sym)
35179,65118,051minifyrbA minifier of Ruby files.