Imkmf's Gems

#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
140,55163,432which_osxA simple ruby program for returning the version number of the current Mac OS X system.
284,72163,432freemanA very simple test gem
397,47463,432metaipsumLorem ipsum generator, generator
4100,54163,432gotYou meant git.
5101,68730,305publicDropbox public files made easy
6104,91963,432smart-app-bannerA Rails helper for including iTunes app 'Smart App Banners'
7108,16263,432kf-jquery-fileupload-railsjQuery File Upload by Sebastian Tschan integrated for Rails 3.1 Asset Pipeline, forked ...
8111,52763,432omniauth-patreonPatreon strategy for OmniAuth v1.2
9120,32263,432adcomg is adc up yet
10124,00363,432at_mostLimit your ActiveRecord models
11128,27763,432humanshumans.txt helper
12129,96063,432clothGive your users what they want.
13140,08363,432moshimoshi-rails-helperA Rails helper for accessing Moshimoshi bios for users