Dzello's Gems

#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
14,3883,645keenSend events and build analytics features into your Ruby applications.
215,90225,563mongoid_alizeKeep data in sync as you denormalize across any type of relation.
327,89818,834keen-cliRecord events and run queries from the comfort of your command line
448,424107,996pushpopPushpop is a powerful framework for taking actions and integrating services at regular ...
575,720107,996audA command line utility for playing sounds in response to log lines.
676,579107,996pushpop-keenPushpop Keen IO plugin for querying and recording events
788,503107,996pushpop-sendgridSendgrid plugin for sending emails with Pushpop
895,047107,996pushpop-twilioTwilio plugin for sending SMS messages from Pushpop
9112,297107,996pushpop-githubGithub API plugin for pushpop
10122,005107,996fourRuby supports 'redo' but not 'fuck'! Fixes that.
11135,183107,996ruby_trollem_ipsumConfigurable length and type for all the trollings!
12149,856107,996pushpop-twitterA set of Pushpop capabilities for the Twitter API
13151,302107,996pushpop-fileA Pushpop plugin for reading file contents