1 | 4,416 | 14,438 | keen | Send events and build analytics features into your Ruby applications. |
2 | 15,969 | 41,916 | mongoid_alize | Keep data in sync as you denormalize across any type of relation. |
3 | 28,010 | 63,432 | keen-cli | Record events and run queries from the comfort of your command line |
4 | 48,540 | 15,400 | pushpop | Pushpop is a powerful framework for taking actions and integrating services at regular ... |
5 | 75,868 | 63,432 | aud | A command line utility for playing sounds in response to log lines. |
6 | 76,738 | 22,084 | pushpop-keen | Pushpop Keen IO plugin for querying and recording events |
7 | 88,656 | 25,458 | pushpop-sendgrid | Sendgrid plugin for sending emails with Pushpop |
8 | 95,184 | 25,458 | pushpop-twilio | Twilio plugin for sending SMS messages from Pushpop |
9 | 112,461 | 30,305 | pushpop-github | Github API plugin for pushpop |
10 | 122,255 | 63,432 | four | Ruby supports 'redo' but not 'fuck'! Fixes that. |
11 | 135,411 | 41,916 | ruby_trollem_ipsum | Configurable length and type for all the trollings! |
12 | 149,956 | 41,916 | pushpop-twitter | A set of Pushpop capabilities for the Twitter API |
13 | 151,489 | 41,916 | pushpop-file | A Pushpop plugin for reading file contents |