Slmnwise's Gems

#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
118,06463,432key-dbA database acessible via keys. Wrapped everything in a module. To create a database: Ke...
258,15163,432gidGenerates random mixes of numbers and letters of fixed length, usable as UUIDs. Now sup...
360,85363,432coinsort.rbCoin Sorting using the greedy algorithim. Bugs, comments and questions can go here: htt...
469,73363,432triplecryptTriple encrypted one way string encryption in ruby
578,13563,432accessrangeA range with accessible attributes. V 0.2.0 provides all range functions.
682,22025,458rbhtmlAn HTML generator written in Ruby. Added count method, which counts the number of the s...
782,61625,458rlogAn alternate logging interface to the default Logger. Added id option to log function.
8100,40030,305mnmltestA minimal testing framework that provides all the features a programmer needs for simpl...
9100,55663,432objdsObjDS is a non-file-based Data Storage tool that includes functionality such as tables ...
10102,38830,305restricted_arrayAn array that is restricted to instances of one class. Added to_s and to_a methods, as ...
11103,02863,432triaTria is a multi-dimensional array based tree format, with a parent, child, and descenda...
12124,91763,432gardeGuards against false and nil values.
13130,79263,432imagesnapProvides a wrapper around the imagesnap command line utility:
14132,37563,432greppyProvides more tools for array grepping
15136,20363,432shapeslibA library for manipulating and calculating shapes.