1 | 1,733 | 1,395 | jsonapi-serializer | Fast, simple and easy to use JSON:API serialization library (also known as fast_jsonapi). |
2 | 3,408 | 2,212 | jsonapi.rb | JSON:API serialization, error handling, filtering and pagination. |
3 | 4,862 | 3,408 | jsonapi-rspec | Helpers for validating JSON API payloads |
4 | 11,748 | 6,880 | otp-jwt | OTP (email, SMS) JWT authentication for HTTP APIs. |
5 | 15,732 | 9,834 | active_record-pgcrypto | PostgreSQL PGCrypto support for ActiveRecord models. |
6 | 21,226 | 16,572 | rspec-rake | RSpec support for testing Rake tasks. |
7 | 21,650 | 20,803 | rails-dummy | Rake task to generate a dummy Rails app. |
8 | 63,611 | 71,169 | http-rest_client | A HTTP/REST Client to help you wrap APIs easily. |
9 | 84,824 | 53,644 | rspec-apidoc | Automatically generates the documentation for your HTTP API. |
10 | 86,369 | 60,549 | mina-s3 | Adds AWS S3 support for mina. |
11 | 86,841 | 147,291 | core_pro.rb | Ruby SDK for working with CorePro web services. |
12 | 95,049 | 60,549 | fluxx | This a simple SDK for the Fluxx.io V2 API |
13 | 101,437 | 147,291 | capistrano-lazy | Some capistrano tasks for trivial things. |
14 | 102,948 | 84,493 | mina-rbenv-addons | Use mina to upgrade your ruby/rbenv version. |
15 | 105,176 | 84,493 | mina-ftp | Adds FTP support for mina. |
16 | 127,114 | 107,887 | paylike.rb | Ruby SDK for working with Paylike payment services. |
17 | 139,000 | 107,887 | tnt.rb | Ruby SDK for working with TNT shipping web services. |
18 | 139,214 | 147,291 | dpd | Ruby SDK for working with DPD shipping web services. |
19 | 141,039 | 107,887 | guard-phantomjs-jasmine | PhantomJS guard allows to automatically run PhantomJS (headless, WebKit-based browser) ... |
20 | 152,538 | 30,521 | active_record_pgcrypto | PostgreSQL PGCrypto support for ActiveRecord models. |