Stas's Gems

#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
11,7331,395jsonapi-serializerFast, simple and easy to use JSON:API serialization library (also known as fast_jsonapi).
23,4082,212jsonapi.rbJSON:API serialization, error handling, filtering and pagination.
34,8623,408jsonapi-rspecHelpers for validating JSON API payloads
411,7486,880otp-jwtOTP (email, SMS) JWT authentication for HTTP APIs.
515,7329,834active_record-pgcryptoPostgreSQL PGCrypto support for ActiveRecord models.
621,22616,572rspec-rakeRSpec support for testing Rake tasks.
721,65020,803rails-dummyRake task to generate a dummy Rails app.
863,61171,169http-rest_clientA HTTP/REST Client to help you wrap APIs easily.
984,82453,644rspec-apidocAutomatically generates the documentation for your HTTP API.
1086,36960,549mina-s3Adds AWS S3 support for mina.
1186,841147,291core_pro.rbRuby SDK for working with CorePro web services.
1295,04960,549fluxxThis a simple SDK for the V2 API
13101,437147,291capistrano-lazySome capistrano tasks for trivial things.
14102,94884,493mina-rbenv-addonsUse mina to upgrade your ruby/rbenv version.
15105,17684,493mina-ftpAdds FTP support for mina.
16127,114107,887paylike.rbRuby SDK for working with Paylike payment services.
17139,000107,887tnt.rbRuby SDK for working with TNT shipping web services.
18139,214147,291dpdRuby SDK for working with DPD shipping web services.
19141,039107,887guard-phantomjs-jasminePhantomJS guard allows to automatically run PhantomJS (headless, WebKit-based browser) ...
20152,53830,521active_record_pgcryptoPostgreSQL PGCrypto support for ActiveRecord models.