Seeingidog's Gems

#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
136,96363,432aws-pricingSimpler interface to AWS pricing data
264,89363,432arin-whoisRuby wrapper for ARIN's REST interface to whois/POC data
368,34763,432phonegap-apiRuby wrapper to the Phonegap build API
478,38863,432fbcliCommand line interface to the Facebook graph API.
578,66663,432twenty3andmeRuby API client and Rails engine for creating applications that integrate with data fro...
6128,02263,432netflowListens and parses netflow datagrams sent from network devices. More information on Net...
7131,83663,432nginx_statusSimple Ruby library to download and parse /nginx_status. Returns a Hash of Nginx counters
8135,00963,432sqoop-rubySimple Ruby wrapper for Sqoop JDBC <-> HDFS import/export tool