Vyder's Gems

#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
145,21386,038alphabetizeAlphabetizes your Gemfile
2112,76086,038note-transposeA CLI tool to transpose notes by half steps
3115,04786,038tinypressMy version of a tiny blogging platform. Powers http://vidur.io/writes
4116,99486,038transmarkdownifierLoads up a live preview of a markdown file in Chrome
5127,79053,556frothybeerFinds beers and their attributes from BeerAdvocate
6151,02886,038rursesThis library aims to make working with ncurses code feel more natural to Rubyists. Ful...
7174,26786,038terminal-notesSearchable notes in your terminal! What's not to like?
8182,01686,038changelog-cliA simple tool to add/modify lines to changelogs