Keithgabryelski's Gems

See profile on Gravatar
#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
17,07922,512activerecord-redshift-adapterThis gem provides the Rails 3 with database adapter for AWS RedShift.
212,18831,663bulk_data_methodsMixIn used to extend ActiveRecord::Base classes implementing bulk insert and update ope...
316,35842,025partitionedA gem providing support for table partitioning in ActiveRecord. Support is available fo...
421,78453,556nafA cloud based distributed cron, application framework and operations console. Naf works...
524,67453,556pg_application_nameThis gem stamps an identification mark on the postgres database connection using the po...
630,06953,556pg_advisory_lockerThis gem provides a module that, when included in your ActiveRecord model, provides met...
732,63953,556reasonable_log4rReasonable patches to log4r gem including root loggers having outputters and yaml confi...
836,25153,556fiksu-afAf groups together gems and provides some glue and helper classes to easily creating ap...
963,91642,025log4r_hipchat_outputteran log4r outputter for hipchat.