Scalone's Gems

#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
18,18310,943da_funkDaFunk is a Embedded System Framework optimized for programmer happiness and sustainabl...
210,32412,600posxml_parserFunky Library responsible to parse and execute posxml applications.
312,89013,150cloudwalk_handshakeCloudWalk Handshake to perform transactions and content download
413,1986,277business-daysMethods to check if a given date is a business days and to perform computations based o...
513,55913,259funky-emvLibrary responsible for implement the interface between EMV embedded sdk.
616,33853,556cloudwalkCloudWalk CLI for posxml and ruby applications.
733,45413,550funky-tlvImplements Hash Ber TLV on funk environment
843,61613,399funky-simplehttpMinimal HTTP implementation
990,00686,038funky-cliDaFunk is a Embedded System Framework optimized for programmer happiness and sustainabl...
10159,96386,038funky-mockMock implementation to run on DaFunk ecosystem
11171,21853,556infinite_payInfinitePay payment library to start transaction in DaFunk Runtime