1 | 73,568 | 86,038 | enterprice | This gem provides utilities and methods I use when inspecting time series on remote mac... |
2 | 95,239 | 86,038 | pristine_text | This gem uses unicode_utils to lowercase text, removes non-letters, strips and squeezes... |
3 | 115,863 | 42,025 | hst | Includes a Hst::Reader and Hst::Writer class for reading and writing Metatrader 4 .hst ... |
4 | 130,693 | 86,038 | nurettin-jruby-poi | A rubyesque library for manipulating spreadsheets and other document types for jruby, u... |
5 | 132,043 | 86,038 | nurettin-phantomjs | Auto-install phantomjs on demand for current platform. Comes with poltergeist integration. |
6 | 149,192 | 42,025 | jruby_zemberek | This is a gem for making it easy to call zemberek2 2.1.1 NLP library functions from JRuby. |
7 | 167,181 | 53,556 | nurettin-prawn | Prawn is a fast, tiny, and nimble PDF generator for Ruby |