Janko's Gems

#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
1149152mini_magickManipulate images with minimal use of memory via ImageMagick
2674392image_processingHigh-level wrapper for processing images for the web with ImageMagick or libvips.
31,169835downRobust streaming downloads using Net::HTTP, HTTP.rb or wget.
41,8501,659shrineShrine is a toolkit for file attachments in Ruby applications. It supports uploading, d...
51,8811,569content_dispositionRuby gem to create HTTP Content-Disposition headers with proper escaping/encoding of fi...
62,1052,986sinatra-activerecordExtends Sinatra with ActiveRecord helpers.
75,4703,535uppy-s3_multipartProvides a Rack application that implements endpoints for the AwsS3Multipart Uppy plugin.
85,6776,270shrine-memoryProvides in-memory storage for Shrine.
98,1303,819sequel-activerecord_connectionAllows Sequel to use ActiveRecord connection for database interaction.
109,0966,717shrine-urlProvides a fake storage which allows you to create a Shrine attachment defined only by ...
119,1684,095rodauth-railsProvides Rails integration for Rodauth authentication framework.
129,5617,406shrine-mongoidProvides Mongoid integration for Shrine.
1310,5637,125tus-serverRuby server implementation of tus.io, the open protocol for resumable file uploads.
1411,1104,095rodauth-modelProvides model mixin for Active Record and Sequel that defines password attribute and a...
1513,8197,462shrine-cloudinaryProvides Cloudinary storage for Shrine.
1614,01848,058flickrieThis gem wraps the Flickr API with a nice object-oriented interface.
1714,81012,410shrine-tusProvides storage and plugin for easier integration between Shrine and tus-ruby-server.
1815,90114,747shrine-fogProvides Fog storage for Shrine.
1916,9414,584rodauth-omniauthRodauth extension for logging in and creating account via OmniAuth authentication.
2018,75748,058paperclip-dropboxExtends Paperclip with Dropbox storage.
2120,16618,537shrine-transloaditProvides Transloadit integration for Shrine.
2221,35212,410shrine-imgixProvides Imgix integration for Shrine.
2323,20321,872as-durationExtraction of ActiveSupport::Duration and the related core extensions.
2426,90870,066flickr-objectsThis gem is an object-oriented wrapper for the Flickr API.
2528,87638,544shrine-reformProvides Reform integration for Shrine.
2631,7548,544rodauth-i18nProvides I18n integration and translations for Rodauth authentication framework.
2737,44316,273shrine-sqlProvides SQL database storage for Shrine.
2838,38838,544shrine-gridfsProvides MongoDB's GridFS storage for Shrine.
2945,18738,544shrine-flickrProvides Flickr storage for Shrine.
3061,47048,058goliath-rack_proxyAllows you to use Goliath as a web server for your Rack app, giving you streaming reque...
3163,7538,020rodauth-pwnedRodauth extension for checking whether a password had been exposed in a database breach...
3278,38325,368shrine-uploadcareProvides Uploadcare storage for Shrine.
3378,49570,066flickr-loginThis is a Rack endpoint that provides Flickr authentication. Basically it is a lightwei...
3487,77828,396roda-symbolized_paramsA plugin for Roda which exposes symbolized request params
35105,42211,247shrine-romProvides rom-rb integration for Shrine.
36107,63870,066musiqueMusique is a gem for manipulating with musical constructs, such as notes, chords and in...
37116,95738,544sequel-jsonapi_eagerA Sequel plugin for eager loading associations in JSON-API specification.
38144,81870,066refile-sequelSequel ORM integration of the Refile gem
39147,08970,066tic-tac-toe-rubyPlay the tic-tac-toe game in the Terminal. Supports fields of any size, and can be play...
40173,11570,066sequel-activerecord-adapterAllows Sequel to use ActiveRecord connection for database interaction.
41176,07016,510rodauth-openapiAllows dynamically generating OpenAPI documentation based on Rodauth configuration.
42178,06670,066rodauth-guestProvides guest users functionality for Rodauth.