1 | 8,888 | 51,220 | mysql_stay_connected | ensure active record connections will be reestablished if needed |
2 | 10,081 | 15,342 | capistrano-rails-collection | Rails specific Capistrano tasks which are not part of the official rails gem |
3 | 15,594 | 51,220 | jquery-modal-rails | The simplest possible modal for jQuery for the Rails 3.1+ asset pipeline based on https... |
4 | 43,720 | 16,557 | hockeybrake | An extension for the amazing airbrake gem which routes crash reports directly to HockeyApp |
5 | 54,321 | 51,220 | acts-as-taggable-on-dynamic | With ActsAsTaggableOnDynamic, you can tag a single model on several contexts based on t... |
6 | 76,743 | 51,220 | rspec-capybara-simple_form-rails | A simple gem which contains a couple of matches for capybara and simpelform tests |
7 | 89,655 | 51,220 | certify | Certify is a Ruby on Rails / OpenSSL based CA engine which can be mounted in every rail... |
8 | 138,595 | 51,220 | jQuery-URL-Parser-Rails | Simple way to integrate the url parameters jquery plugin in the asset pipeline of rails |