1 | 42,452 | 74,510 | skiima | Skiima helps to manage SQL objects like views and functions |
2 | 85,471 | 47,329 | action_report | FIX (describe your package) |
3 | 102,349 | 38,694 | minitest-reporters-ws | A Minitest Reporter that Outputs to a Websocket |
4 | 102,472 | 74,510 | shoulda-matchers-pundit | Shoulda Matchers for Pundit & Setup for RSpec/Minitest |
5 | 102,795 | 74,510 | guard-titan | Run tests with Zeus using Guard Shell |
6 | 133,896 | 47,329 | minitest-reporters-fail | A Minitest Reporter that Shows Failure Detail and Emoji |
7 | 139,179 | 74,510 | leaderboardable | FIX (describe your package) |