1 | 10,182 | 62,315 | pdf_meta | A gem for reading file data from poppler pdfinfo |
2 | 49,277 | 45,403 | deimos | An oppinionated status gem to run alongside Phobos applications |
3 | 52,352 | 62,315 | cloudpress | A blogging framework that uses dropbox as it's storage engine |
4 | 71,576 | 62,315 | sanction | Provides a JSON format for describing complex nested permission sets |
5 | 83,207 | 105,340 | service_disruption | A simple gem to track the current status of London Underground services, it polls the T... |
6 | 85,614 | 105,340 | avrodrome | An in memory drop in replacement for an Avro Schema Registry |
7 | 114,683 | 62,315 | tourguide | Tourbus |
8 | 169,787 | 105,340 | shackleton | Map your way across that cold tudra of API consuming |
9 | 178,716 | 105,340 | cephalopod | Gem to connect to the Octopus Energy API |