Ronie's Gems

#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
117,44151,488deadly_seriousFlow Based Programming Maestro
218,90118,897exact_target_restSimple wrapper around ExactTarget REST API. It deals with authorization and with coding...
330,73310,137s2_cellsConverts latitude and longitude to Google S2 Cells. Useful for geo stuff. A better desc...
432,33318,431accent-busterAdd "String#accent_buster" that replaces diacritics marks by their non-diacritic equiva...
552,831129,735pascoaleText processing utilities for Brazilian Portuguese
666,26351,488cypher_builderBuild Cypher query classes (Neo4j).
781,22951,488alexanderA Rack middleware to compile XML+XSLT into HTML for unsupported browsers only
8100,11432,595ataulfoPattern Matching for Ruby (objects only)
9106,63551,488kruskalGraph Minimum Spanning Tree implementation using a variation of Kruskal algorithm. Inte...
10109,80851,488huffYou need a UUID from some string. Maybe a URL shortner without a database, or some kind...
11116,512129,735number_crusherStatistical methods and functions for Ruby. A minor (and improving) collection of every...
12119,73151,488asdrubalSimple helper for time series analysis
13127,93251,488rack-methodoverride-4-allA replacement for Rack::MethodOverride that allows you to choose which methods are over...
14145,283129,735ravengarFlow Based Programming as a Programming Paradigm
15148,683129,735rewirePerfect to process lots of data using several processors or machines and low memory.
16156,94251,488vagas-orientdb4rOrientdb4r provides a simple interface on top of OrientDB's RESTful HTTP API (