Yorkxin's Gems

#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
134,60724,241open_graph_helperOpenGraph Helper
237,53574,510seo_helperSEO helper of Techbang
370,44474,510google_plus_helperGoogle+ Social Plugins Helpers for Rails
474,51774,510kblBuilding KKBOX Playlist and serialize to KBL format.
576,49130,170mobile_viewEasily specify mobile-specific view template for mobile devices in Rails application.
688,63574,510markdown-highlight-extended-filterHTML::Pipeline filter for Octopress-flavored syntax highlighting
7148,70374,510hikkoshi-jekyllJekyll processor for Hikkoshi the Blog Moving Tool
8148,93874,510hikkoshiA frmaework to move your blog from one system to another"
9150,49674,510hikkoshi-logdownLogdown processor for Hikkoshi the Blog Moving Tool
10151,46174,510hikkoshi-ghostGhost processor for Hikkoshi the Blog Moving Tool
11151,72574,510hikkoshi-hexoHexo processor for Hikkoshi the Blog Moving Tool