Bfontaine's Gems

#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
131,88150,107graphsProvide functions to (un)parse GDF/JSON files and generate graphs
234,44831,443udGet words' definitions from Urban Dictionary on the command-line.
353,41650,107sqDownload all PDFs linked in a Web page
456,47750,107badges2svgParse a markdown file and replace PNG badges with SVG ones.
582,72050,107meuhGet the currently played track on, which is the radio used at Anticafé.
689,13050,107poufQuickly play random short sounds from the command-line
794,42250,107yopYop bootstraps your projects from pre-defined templates
8106,73550,107silentTemporary disable stdout/stderr while you execute a piece of code
9118,69650,107expdExpand text snippet from simple shortcuts on the command-line
10133,96231,443dzConvert lists of hexadecimal numbers into binary files
11147,50350,107set_constChange a constant's value without any warning
12149,61150,107slgGet words' definitions from Slengo on the command-line.
13167,82450,107defcliUtilities to build simple dictionnary CLI tools.