Cavis's Gems

#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
120,13029,456hal_api-railsJSON HAL APIs on Rails in the style of PRX. Uses ROAR
223,63161,367pmpPublic Media Platform Ruby Gem
326,30533,893prx_auth-railsRails integration for next generation PRX Authorization system.
428,05661,367say_whenScheduling system for programmatically defined and stored jobs.
532,26041,086smart_s3_syncIntelligent syncing from Cloud providers when duplicate content abounds.
635,19141,086prx_clientClient for PRX OAuth2 API (v2)
740,46111,862prx_authSpecific to PRX. Will ignore tokens that were not issued by PRX.
841,39761,367rack-prx_authSpecific to PRX. Will ignore tokens that were not issued by PRX.
947,28841,086announceAnnounce is for pubsub of messages for events, built on other gems like shoryuken.
1048,70125,716omniauth-prxPRX strategy for OmniAuth using OAuth2
1154,66261,367feedableCreate a composite feed of 'recent activity' from multiple models in your rails app. T...
1268,25633,893prx_accessPRX Access is a gem to supply authentication headers and descend the HAL hypermedia lin...
1388,48561,367blamestampSimilar to ActiveRecord::Timestamp, this gem provides a blame datetime and user for cre...
14145,96812,502halbuilderHAL DSL extensions for Jbuilder.