Warmwaffles's Gems

#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
125,46066,923splicer-dns_made_easyThe Splicer adapter for interacting DnsMadeEasy
227,06635,214wellnessA rack middleware health check
331,36666,923splicerSplicer allows communication with one or more dns providers
432,83619,773signalsA lightweight publish / subscribe library
532,99243,406splicer-dynectThe splicer adapter for interacting Dynect
638,95715,014chargerUtilizes Chargify's REST API
742,70819,773skeletonConstruct an api skeleton for options
854,85566,923yukataAttributes for ruby objects
957,98866,923splicer-no_op_providerA No-Op provider that can be used for testing
1079,59166,923endorserA small rest client library that signs the requests
11102,82066,923kryoA quick and easy way to generate static sites
12118,28866,923endorser-receiptA receipt signing library
13134,14966,923mixpanel2A simple library that makes adding mixpanel to a rails application easier
14140,32666,923uptime_robotA library to interact with Uptime Robot's API