Alxjrvs's Gems

#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
112,74217,121cb_nitrideA Gem for accessing information from the diamond comics backend.
221,96117,121make_it_soGenerate ruby gems, sinatra apps, and rails apps
326,94117,121etUsers can download challenges and submit their solutions via the command-line interface.
439,14397,699rollrRollr has been deprecated, and moved to RANDSUM/randsum. Please use the randsum gem!
539,94213,203stattrStattr is a Gem that includes a number of useful functions for rolling dice in a game l...
645,48536,605rocket_fuelA ruby client for installing rocket fuel.
775,96997,699randsumDon't you hate it when you have to generate specific quantities of random numbers from ...
883,40697,699hubbahProvides a web wrapper and rack middleware for hubspot form submissions
9142,90997,699tutelegeA Gem that helps Parent (classes) teach their Children (subclasses) the difference betw...
10144,01353,223godelValidations, except they don't do anything.