Allspiritseve's Gems

#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
124,9648,960seleneSelene is an iCalendar parser for Ruby
234,29830,305sunCalculate sunrise and sunset times
350,82519,893samplerNo more foobar! Run your app locally with *real* sample data
451,95963,432sonnetStructured logging for Ruby applications
565,39163,432endeavourTry, but better.
689,13763,432work_listBetter exception handling for operating on arrays
799,02430,305s3_direct_railsUpload files directly to S3 using Rails, Carrierwave and jQuery Fileupload
8142,71263,432townstageGem for Townstage API
9155,71663,432meadowDefine fields in ActiveRecord models
10156,80063,432wallclockWall clock time for Ruby
11169,37063,432wink-cliWink command-line application