Mje113's Gems

#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
19,34616,557thread-parentThreadParent facilitates spawning threads that maintain a reference to the thread that ...
221,76351,220krawlerSimple little website crawler.
327,57951,220couchbase-jruby-clientCouchbase JRuby driver
433,61420,837rack-ip_filterWhite and clacklist IPs
551,53851,220couchbase-view-helpersAdds syntactic sugar to Couchbase view options hashes.
652,19514,312sorcery-couchbaseCouchbase backend for the Sorcery authentication framework
752,77351,220newarkBecause everyone should write their own framework.
864,74051,220hash-queryProvides a css-like selector system for querying values out of deeply nested hashes
964,93351,220sidebandRun simple workers in a separate thread
1069,89051,220couchbase-jruby-modelORM-like interface allows you to persist your models to Couchbase