1 | 4,240 | 7,384 | gds-api-adapters | A set of adapters providing easy access to the GDS GOV.UK APIs |
2 | 4,457 | 7,448 | govuk_publishing_components | A gem to document components in GOV.UK frontend applications |
3 | 5,363 | 5,408 | gem_publisher | Automatically build, tag, and push a gem when its version has been updated. |
4 | 6,215 | 3,990 | rubocop-govuk | Shared RuboCop rules for Ruby projects in GOV.UK |
5 | 6,511 | 16,256 | slimmer | Rack middleware for skinning pages using a specific template |
6 | 6,727 | 6,439 | plek | Find the right hostname for each service in an environment-dependent manner |
7 | 6,989 | 6,613 | govuk_app_config | Base configuration for GOV.UK applications |
8 | 7,051 | 13,202 | govuk_frontend_toolkit | Tools for building frontend applications |
9 | 7,430 | 10,030 | govspeak | A set of extensions to markdown layered on top of the kramdown
library for use in the U... |
10 | 7,620 | 8,431 | gds-sso | Client for GDS' OAuth 2-based SSO |
11 | 8,051 | 55,084 | govuk_content_models | Shared models for Panopticon and Publisher |
12 | 8,506 | 37,743 | govuk-lint | Include this in your project to easily validate it against the GDS style guides |
13 | 9,717 | 16,674 | govuk_template | Rails engine supplying the GOV.UK header/footer template |
14 | 9,753 | 9,844 | govuk_admin_template | Styles, scripts and templates for GOV.UK admin applications |
15 | 10,138 | 9,487 | govuk_tech_docs | Gem to distribute the GOV.UK Tech Docs Template. See https://github.com/alphagov/tech-d... |
16 | 11,598 | 17,170 | govuk_elements_rails | A gem wrapper around govuk_elements v3.1.3
that pulls stylesheet and javascript files ... |
17 | 11,882 | 4,995 | scss_lint-govuk | Shared scss-lint rules for SASS projects in GOV.UK |
18 | 12,290 | 8,149 | govuk_sidekiq | Provides standard setup and behaviour for Sidekiq in GOV.UK applications. |
19 | 12,482 | 9,450 | middleman-search-gds | LunrJS-based search for Middleman. This is an unofficial fork of the middleman-search gem. |
20 | 13,013 | 7,876 | govuk_personalisation | A gem to hold shared code which other GOV.UK apps will use to implement accounts-relate... |
21 | 13,450 | 55,084 | omniauth-gds | Omniauth strategy for GDS oauth2 provider |
22 | 13,493 | 10,735 | govuk_test | Test configuration and dependencies for applications on GOV.UK |
23 | 13,533 | 55,084 | govuk-content-schema-test-helpers | This app provides test helpers for working with [alphagov/govuk-content-schemas](https:... |
24 | 13,923 | 17,742 | govuk_ab_testing | Gem to help with A/B testing on the GOV.UK platform |
25 | 14,268 | 12,550 | govuk_schemas | Gem to generate test data based on GOV.UK content schemas |
26 | 15,696 | 11,250 | vcloud-core | Core tools for interacting with VMware vCloud Director. Includes vCloud Query, a light ... |
27 | 16,673 | 55,084 | govuk_navigation_helpers | Gem to transform items from the content-store into payloads for GOV.UK components |
28 | 16,762 | 15,845 | govuk_document_types | Gem to share document type groupings |
29 | 18,121 | 55,084 | smartdown | Interactive question-answer flows using markdown-like external DSL |
30 | 19,446 | 14,283 | rails_translation_manager | Tasks to manage translation files |
31 | 22,164 | 13,617 | vcloud-edge_gateway | Tool to configure a VMware vCloud Edge Gateway. Uses vcloud-core. |
32 | 22,883 | 55,084 | shared_mustache | Share mustache between Rails templates and the browser (using compiled hogan.js templat... |
33 | 23,206 | 27,962 | asset_bom_removal-rails | Hooks into rails asset:precompile task to remove the BOM from any CSS files generated b... |
34 | 23,830 | 55,084 | rummageable | DEPRECATED - Mediator for apps that want their content to be in the search index |
35 | 26,484 | 8,399 | govwifi_eapoltest | These are a set of helpers to test Freeradius. |
36 | 26,689 | 16,674 | govuk_message_queue_consumer | Avoid writing boilerplate code in order to consume messages from an AMQP message queue.... |
37 | 26,743 | 14,834 | vcloud-launcher | Tool to launch and configure vCloud vApps |
38 | 27,659 | 15,148 | vcloud-net_launcher | Tool to launch and configure vCloud networks. Uses vcloud-core. |
39 | 28,326 | 37,743 | gds_zendesk | Client and models for communicating with Zendesk |
40 | 28,673 | 15,494 | vcloud-tools-tester | Tool to facilitate testing of vCloud Tools |
41 | 29,400 | 55,084 | geogov | Geolocation and utilities for UK Government single domain |
42 | 30,332 | 16,256 | vcloud-walker | Vcloud-walker is a command line tool to describe different vCloud entities.
... |
43 | 31,122 | 55,084 | bad_link_finder | Crawls a static site mirror testing all links. Reports links which don't return 200 or... |
44 | 37,328 | 20,899 | rack-logstasher | Rack middleware to log requests in logstash json event format. Like the logstasher gem... |
45 | 37,385 | 37,743 | deprecated_columns | Mark column(s) for deprecation to permit subtractive schema changes in production. |
46 | 42,836 | 55,084 | govuk-connect | Command line tool to connect to GOV.UK infrastructure |
47 | 57,800 | 22,041 | vcloud-box-spinner | Create new VM and apply an opinionated set of commands to
them, using vcloud API. The v... |
48 | 62,163 | 55,084 | gds-warmup-controller | Provide a standard url which can be hit to warmup an app server |
49 | 65,934 | 23,542 | vcloud-net-spinner | It allows one to right rules for firewall, NAT and load balancer using vcloud API and c... |
50 | 67,276 | 31,584 | ubuntu_unused_kernels | Identify unused Ubuntu kernels |
51 | 67,709 | 55,084 | govuk-dummy_content_store | Rack app which serves example files from govuk-content-schemas |
52 | 70,868 | 55,084 | govuk_taxonomy_helpers | Parses the taxonomy of GOV.UK into a browseable tree structure. |
53 | 73,772 | 27,962 | vcloud-tools | Tools for VMware vCloud |
54 | 73,813 | 55,084 | govuk_seed_crawler | Retrieves a list of URLs to seed the crawler by publishing them to a RabbitMQ exchange. |
55 | 74,522 | 16,674 | optic14n | Canonicalises URLs. |
56 | 77,676 | 55,084 | google_auth_bridge | bridge for supporting multiple google authentication libraries |
57 | 81,786 | 55,084 | govuk_security_audit | Wraps bundler-audit gem to check specific repos for gem vulnerabilities |
58 | 86,735 | 55,084 | govuk-client-url_arbiter | API client for the url-arbiter |
59 | 110,147 | 55,084 | govuk-diff-pages | Diffs web pages both visually and textually. |
60 | 117,152 | 55,084 | async_experiments | An asynchronous experiment framework. |
61 | 137,524 | 12,681 | govuk_web_banners | A gem to support banners on GOV.UK frontend applications |
62 | 139,080 | 55,084 | call-rota | Gem that provides a script to generate on-call rotas |
63 | 141,560 | 37,743 | vcloud-network-configurator | It allows one to right rules for firewall, NAT and load balancer using vcloud API and c... |
64 | 145,981 | 55,084 | smart_pay | Ruby library for handling Barclaycard Smartpay requests and responses |
65 | 148,973 | 9,675 | content_block_tools | A suite of tools for working with GOV.UK Content Blocks |
66 | 154,256 | 55,084 | govuk_mirrorer | Tool to generate a static version of GOV.UK |
67 | 165,259 | 37,743 | vcloud-converter | Convert your vCloud Tools manifests to Terraform |
68 | 162,286 | 50,861 | govuk_config | Base configuration for GOV.UK applications |
69 | 174,526 | 55,084 | github_commit | Gem for GitHub commits as a Concourse Resource Type |
70 | 176,831 | 23,542 | siteimprove_api_client | No description provided (generated by Openapi Generator https://github.com/openapitools... |