Rudrige's Gems

#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
122,18161,367t1kUse those scripts to create automatically branchs associated with issues and tracked co...
231,81941,086iesdeEsta não é uma versão oficial
336,82133,893jasper-railsGenerate pdf reports on Rails using Jasper Reports reporting tool
444,60761,367bitbucket_rest_api2Ruby wrapper for the BitBucket API supporting OAuth and Basic Authentication
554,08941,086tinybucket2ruby wrapper for the Bitbucket REST API (v2) with oauth inspired by vongrippen/bitbucket.
659,39661,367date_humanizeHumanize dates
783,37061,367iesde_playerEsta gem é utilizada como complemento da outra gem de acesso do WebService iesde
8115,09761,367jasper-rails-rspecDefines matchers for testing PDFs generated by jasper-rails