Chancancode's Gems

#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
11,9352,181skylightSkylight is a smart profiler for Rails, Sinatra, and other Ruby apps.
22,6932,930json_expressionsJSON matchmaking for all your API testing needs.
33,7907,483ember-sourceEmber.js source code wrapper for use with Ruby libs.
45,6355,938marionette-railsVendors Backbone.Marionette for use with the asset pipeline.
520,01561,367helix_runtimeThe Helix Runtime
622,37423,402javaThe caffeine boost you need for your late-night coding sprints.
752,22561,367javascriptWith this gem, Rubyists can finally get really close to the metal by programming in Jav...
863,80361,367freezerThis rubygem does not have a description or summary.
968,24761,367helix-railsHelix for Rails
1077,56861,367canadaAdds support for Canadian programming conventions to the Ruby language
1199,19361,367gamemakerShared utils for
12105,11761,367bob-railsBob-flavoured in the Rails asset pipeline.
13105,78961,367bob-compilerA compiler for Bob templates
14118,05461,367actionformAn alternative layer to accepts_nested_attributes_for by using Form Models.
15138,23061,367as_json_encoderA JSON encoder that is tailored to the needs of Rails.
16163,59461,367rails-internalsLike chrome://net-internals, but for Rails.
17166,21361,367slackathonA simple way to build Slack interations inside a Rails app.