1 | 1,935 | 2,181 | skylight | Skylight is a smart profiler for Rails, Sinatra, and other Ruby apps. |
2 | 2,693 | 2,930 | json_expressions | JSON matchmaking for all your API testing needs. |
3 | 3,790 | 7,483 | ember-source | Ember.js source code wrapper for use with Ruby libs. |
4 | 5,635 | 5,938 | marionette-rails | Vendors Backbone.Marionette for use with the asset pipeline. |
5 | 20,015 | 61,367 | helix_runtime | The Helix Runtime |
6 | 22,374 | 23,402 | java | The caffeine boost you need for your late-night coding sprints. |
7 | 52,225 | 61,367 | javascript | With this gem, Rubyists can finally get really close to the metal by programming in Jav... |
8 | 63,803 | 61,367 | freezer | This rubygem does not have a description or summary. |
9 | 68,247 | 61,367 | helix-rails | Helix for Rails |
10 | 77,568 | 61,367 | canada | Adds support for Canadian programming conventions to the Ruby language |
11 | 99,193 | 61,367 | gamemaker | Shared utils for gamemaker.io |
12 | 105,117 | 61,367 | bob-rails | Bob-flavoured in the Rails asset pipeline. |
13 | 105,789 | 61,367 | bob-compiler | A compiler for Bob templates |
14 | 118,054 | 61,367 | actionform | An alternative layer to accepts_nested_attributes_for by using Form Models. |
15 | 138,230 | 61,367 | as_json_encoder | A JSON encoder that is tailored to the needs of Rails. |
16 | 163,594 | 61,367 | rails-internals | Like chrome://net-internals, but for Rails. |
17 | 166,213 | 61,367 | slackathon | A simple way to build Slack interations inside a Rails app. |
18 | 169,220 | 61,367 | turboruby | TurboRuby |
19 | 170,919 | 61,367 | turborails | TurboRuby |