Danielfarrell's Gems

#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
153,37486,038redis_varsEnvironment variable handling for teams following 12 Factor/Heroku pattern
254,55286,038common_event_formatterFormat logs in the CEE/lumberjack structured format
355,32786,038goliath-reverse-proxyTurns Goliath into a reverse proxy server. Useful when paired with other middleware...
465,02886,038smtp_urlAllows smtp settings to be defined as URL in environment variable, then converted to ha...
589,23686,038blazing-foremanblazing recipes for deploying processes with foreman
690,46386,038blazing-wheneverblazing recipes for updating crontab with whenever
797,58486,038warden_delegatedSmall warden setup delegating to a devise app
8119,73386,038blazing-upstartblazing recipe for restarting/reloading app with upstart
9123,39853,556blazing-jammitblazing recipe to precompile rails assets with jammit
10126,64986,038blazing-unicornblazing recipe for rolling restarts with unicorn