1 | 53,374 | 86,038 | redis_vars | Environment variable handling for teams following 12 Factor/Heroku pattern |
2 | 54,552 | 86,038 | common_event_formatter | Format logs in the CEE/lumberjack structured format |
3 | 55,327 | 86,038 | goliath-reverse-proxy | Turns Goliath into a reverse proxy server. Useful when paired with other
middleware... |
4 | 65,028 | 86,038 | smtp_url | Allows smtp settings to be defined as URL in environment variable, then converted to ha... |
5 | 89,236 | 86,038 | blazing-foreman | blazing recipes for deploying processes with foreman |
6 | 90,463 | 86,038 | blazing-whenever | blazing recipes for updating crontab with whenever |
7 | 97,584 | 86,038 | warden_delegated | Small warden setup delegating to a devise app |
8 | 119,733 | 86,038 | blazing-upstart | blazing recipe for restarting/reloading app with upstart |
9 | 123,398 | 53,556 | blazing-jammit | blazing recipe to precompile rails assets with jammit |
10 | 126,649 | 86,038 | blazing-unicorn | blazing recipe for rolling restarts with unicorn |