1 | 6,206 | 12,697 | sugarcube | == Description
CocoaTouch/iOS is a *verbose* framework. These extensions hope to make... |
2 | 11,709 | 10,049 | bubble-wrap | RubyMotion wrappers and helpers (Ruby for iOS and OS X) - Making Cocoa APIs more Ruby l... |
3 | 12,225 | 17,665 | teacup | Teacup is a community-driven DSL for RubyMotion. It has CSS-like styling, and
helps cr... |
4 | 13,476 | 21,760 | ib | Magic rubymotion ib outlets support |
5 | 15,606 | 18,162 | motion-kit | MotionKit, for RubyMotion, is a DSL for creating and styling views in iOS and OS X. |
6 | 16,682 | 57,843 | motion-firebase | Adds more rubyesque methods to the built-in classes. |
7 | 22,296 | 20,780 | motion-support | Commonly useful extensions to the standard library for RubyMotion. Ported from ActiveSu... |
8 | 22,352 | 18,162 | dbt | == DBT (Dependencies and deBugging Tool)
DBT is a tool that helps declare dependencies... |
9 | 25,386 | 24,705 | geomotion | A RubyMotion Geometry Wrapper |
10 | 26,675 | 16,242 | android-xml | Add this to your build process, and never write XML again!
Plus, you can have multiple... |
11 | 30,362 | 36,705 | motion-wiretap | ReactiveCocoa is an amazing system, and RubyMotion could benefit from the
lessons learn... |
12 | 16,881 | 44,689 | sweettea | Some handlers for teacup that add the coercion abilities of sugarcube to the
style abil... |
13 | 17,084 | 44,689 | graymatter | I hope you enjoy this random assortment of tools! Read about each one in the
14 | 37,777 | 36,705 | AVClub | Setup an AVCaptureSession with video, multiple cameras, and still image
capabilities. ... |
15 | 43,292 | 16,865 | bubble-wrap-http | BubbleWrap's deprecated HTTP library |
16 | 44,833 | 36,705 | motion-kit-events | == Description
Use +on+ and +trigger+ to send generic events from the layout to the co... |
17 | 56,198 | 22,963 | analizaruptor | Analizaruptor is a tool that looks for 'break', 'require', and 'provides'
commands (and... |
18 | 66,909 | 57,843 | gradient-view | == Description
Sometimes you need a gradient. |
19 | 35,692 | 87,174 | typewriter | Typewriter is a simple way to add views. As long as you set the width and
height, you ... |
20 | 73,672 | 57,843 | motion-xray | The simulator and RubyMotion REPL make on-device testing a painful cycle of
code, compi... |
21 | 77,510 | 57,843 | motion-kit-templates | The templates provided are "mk-ios" and "mk-osx". |
22 | 78,920 | 57,843 | mar | == Description
You can either like python-style decorators, or you can hate them. Fran... |
23 | 47,804 | 44,689 | kiln | The simulator and RubyMotion REPL make on-device testing a painful cycle of
code, compi... |
24 | 62,695 | 44,689 | sweet-kit | MotionKit + SugarCube = SweetKit |
25 | 62,753 | 44,689 | fireball | A RubyMotion wrapper for the Firebase iOS SDK |
26 | 148,327 | 57,843 | ReactiveMotion | For great good. |
27 | 149,110 | 57,843 | reactive-motion | For great good. |
28 | 151,688 | 57,843 | einstein-enum | Let's not kid ourselves: Swift didn't remove much of the tedium of iOS
development. Ho... |