1 | 30,009 | 86,038 | xkcd | A simple gem to get random img/comic url from xkcd |
2 | 76,257 | 35,920 | hackersays | The best lines from hackers from hackersays.com |
3 | 104,518 | 86,038 | wikiquote | A simple gem to get Quote of the day from wikiquote.org |
4 | 121,306 | 86,038 | cadbury | Cadbury.gems() to get colorful gems or on the CLI cadbury :0) inspired by the c... |
5 | 124,394 | 86,038 | climagic | A simple gem to get todays command from climagic.org |
6 | 127,946 | 86,038 | gita | A simple gem to get random Bhagavad Gita quotes |
7 | 132,573 | 53,556 | kidomath | "Kids do math on the CLI" |
8 | 142,401 | 53,556 | ip2dword | Converts IP to ip2dword |